Table of Contents

1 Customer Service
1.1 If an owner writes to you with a complaint about your staff do not ignore them

2 Fire Safety
2.1 If you receive a proposed fire safety upgrade order from Council, check it
2.2 If you are advised of multiple fire safety breaches in four separate notices, fix them
2.3 Ensure that the specified completion date of a fire safety upgrade order is complied with
2.4 Do not tell owners conflicting stories about when a fire safety upgrade has to be completed
2.5 Ensure that compliant fire safety equipment is installed
2.6 Do not attempt to convince owners to carry out $25,000 worth of unnecessary work

3 Maintenance
3.1 Arrange  maintenance that your agency agreement makes you responsible for
3.2 Do not ignore critical safety-related maintenance that could result in injury or death
3.3 If a unit becomes uninhabitable due to concrete cancer, do not take 6 months to fix it
3.4 If a unit is flooded with water from the unit above, diagnose and fix the problem
3.3 Ensure that contractors you employ are competent