Ensure that contractors you employ install compliant fire safety equipment to avoid placing the lives of owners at risk.
If a Council fire safety upgrade order states that certain critical equipment should comply with a particular Australian Standard then it would be a good idea to check that the quote you accept specifies such equipment. If not you should specify that equipment in the work order you issue.
Ensure that contractors you employ install compliant fire safety equipment to avoid placing the lives of owners at risk.
If a Council fire safety upgrade order states that certain critical equipment should comply with a particular Australian Standard then it would be a good idea to check that the quote you accept specifies such equipment. If not you should specify that equipment in the work order you issue.
Say for example the Council order requires 240V smoke detectors to be installed in private units and requires that they comply with AS1670.1. They are to be installed in the hallway of each unit between the bedrooms they protect and the front door.
Given your role in organising fire safety upgrades for many buildings you would know that AS1670.1 paragraph 3.25.1 states the following:
"3.25.1… Photoelectric smoke detectors or photoelectric smoke alarms shall be installed in all exits, passageways, corridors, hallways, or the like, that are part of a path of travel to an exit."
The alternative to a photoelectric alarm is an ionisation alarm. They are about $10 cheaper than photoelectric alarms but are unlikely to save the lives of occupants in the event of a smouldering fire according to:
Apart from being mandatory under AS1670.1 photoelectric alarms are also recommended by NSW Fire and Rescue: , the Environment Protection Authority: the South Australian Fire Brigade: and speeches made in Parliament: to name a few.
Being a competent strata manager you would of course have done your research on such a critical issue and would know all of that. You would also know that if left to their own devices contractors will often choose the cheapest solution.
So what type of detectors do you think the contractor that you engaged installed in our building on 6 August 2015? and speeches made in Parliament: to name a few.
Being a competent strata manager you would of course have done your research on such a critical issue and would know all of that. You would also know that if left to their own devices contractors will often choose the cheapest solution.
So what type of detectors do you think the contractor that you engaged installed in our building on 6 August 2015?